For the SME owner, understanding and making the most out of lead generation through online content is a big enough challenge. But once you’ve succeeded in increasing your leads, you need to ensure they’re converting into sales at a reasonable rate. While it’s true that many people nowadays are on the precipice of buying when they make an enquiry, it doesn’t mean that they’re going to choose your business. No matter how much content you have out there, if it’s not helping you convert leads to sales, it’s time to review it for gaps in the client education process.
One possible problem is that you’re not adequately demonstrating the benefits of your product or service to prospective clients.
Educating potential clients with content: case studies
This can be a particular problem with IT, engineering, and even digital marketing related businesses – in fact, any type of business where technology is involved! When potential clients can’t ‘see’ how what you are offering would benefit their type of business, they’re naturally less inclined to invest.
(If you’re in IT, you might be interested in this article in Entrepreneur Magazine which looks at the problem of getting clients to adopt new technology.)
One way to overcome the problem is by producing content that allows readers to understand how your product or service would improve processes or results in their particular type of business. A very efficient ways to do that is to write and publish case studies covering the types of industries you can service. You can also create video based case studies by conducting interviews with clients.
A recent article in Entrepreneur Magazine looks at the problem for IT companies in getting clients to adopt new technology, but the principles mentioned apply much more broadly.
How to create case studies
MORE: Check out our more recent post, How to Plan and Write a Case Study.
Creating case studies is something you can do in-house if someone has the right skills, or outsource to a professional content writing service. The person writing up the case study will need:
- A case. Choose a few clients who are enjoying success as a result of your business and contact them to ask if they’d be happy for you to write a case study. Aim to cover a range of business types or industries, unless of course, you service only one type. Offer them the option of being named in the study (with a link to their website) or alternatively, the case study being written without specifics that would identify their business. The reason for option two is that not everyone will want competitors being able to read about their technology or strategies.
- Technical details about the project. This includes the products or services deployed for the client, and challenges faced during implementation.
- Results: By far the most important part of a case study is the demonstration of results. This information should be as specific as possible. Did sales, productivity or some other factor increase by a certain percentage? Was a particular problem finally resolved? What difference has it made to the business?
Once you have all the information at hand you’re ready to begin writing it up. Most case studies follow a standard format:
- Introduction
- Problem
- Options/Solution
- Implementation
- Results
This case study template on Slide Share is one of many you’ll find online.
Outsourcing case studies to content writers
If you decide to outsource case study write ups to content writers, you’ll need to convey the information outlined above to them in a brief. However, you may save time preparing the information by requesting that the writer conduct phone interviews with the necessary people. That might include your client, and/or a person in your company who was involved in the implementation of the project.
Once written, any good content service will be happy to make amendments based on your feedback – it’s all part of the process, so don’t feel awkward asking for changes or additions.
If case studies would help your potential clients see the benefit of your services, feel free to contact me to discuss your requirements and obtain a quote. Our professional article writers are accustomed to interviewing subjects and preparing case studies.
Leonie Seysan is the Director of Article Writers Aotearoa and Article Writers Australia,, and manages the team of professional writers and editors. She holds a Bachelor of Communications Degree.